Hubungan Antar Umat Beragama (Studi Tafsir Tematik Muhammadiyah)


  • Fahma Maulida Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq
  • Nur Alifi STAI KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq Tulungagung
  • M. Fahrizat Adzkar STAI KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq Tulungagung



Thematic , Interpretation, Interreligious Relations, Muhammadiyah


Inter-religious relations have always been an interesting issue to study. On 1 November 2022 Religion Twenty (R20) was held in Bali involving religious leaders from around the world. This religious forum is a new step for all religious communities to establish good relations between religious communities so as to avoid divisions. This article aims to further explore the principles of inter-religious relations in the book of thematic interpretations by Muhammadiyah. This research is a type of library research. The results of this study indicate that there are three principles of inter-religious relations in the book of thematic interpretations by Muhammadiyah: 1) recognition of plurality and competition in goodness, 2) peaceful coexistence in inter-religious relations, and 3) justice and equality.


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How to Cite

Maulida, Fahma, Nur Alifi, and M. Fahrizat Adzkar. 2023. “Hubungan Antar Umat Beragama (Studi Tafsir Tematik Muhammadiyah)”. Tihamah: Jurnal Studi Islam 1 (02):63-77.